Morf’s direct scheduling links let you create a custom booking page for your patients. The link shows available time slots across multiple providers in a simple Providers View, letting patients pick a specific provider and choose a time that works for them.

To create a custom scheduling link that shows the correct availability for your patients, start with the base scheduling URL:

Then, add the following parameters to customize the link:

Required Parameters

  1. morfOrgId
    The Morf Organization ID. You can find this in your admin dashboard or contact us for assistance.

  2. schedulingApplication
    The scheduling application you’re using to manage provider availability. Choose either HEALTHIE or ACUITY.

  3. appointmentTypeId
    The ID for the appointment type in your scheduling application (e.g., “320278” for Healthie).
    If you’re unsure about the appointment type IDs, provide the appointment type names and we can retrieve them for you.

  4. patientId
    This ID helps Morf identify the patient. If you’re using Formsort, we can use the responder UUID to uniquely identify the patient profile. If scheduling for an existing patient, include their Morf UUID (this is your main profile ID, which is reflected in the morf admin dashboard as the “customer” ID). If you’re unsure where to find this, let us know, and we can guide you.

If any required parameter is missing or invalid, an error message will appear on the screen. If you’re unsure why this is happening, you can send us the Request ID, and we’ll help you debug the issue.

Optional Filter Parameters

If you want to filter the providers shown based on patient preferences, you can add any of the following parameters:

  • state → string
    Filter by state.

  • insurance → string
    Filter by insurance payer.

  • specialties → string or array of strings
    Filter by provider specialties.

  • internalTags → array of strings
    Filter by internal tags.

  • contactType → string (only for HEALTHIE, contact_type in HEALTHIE)
    Filter by contact type. Can be one of:

    • Secure Videochat
    • In Person
    • Phone Call
  • locationId → string (only for HEALTHIE, appt_loc_id in HEALTHIE)
    Filter by location ID.

Optional Hide Parameters

To hide specific filter dropdowns in the scheduling UI, use the following parameters:

  • hideState
  • hideSpecialties
  • hideInsurance

If you want to hide the calendar title, add this parameter:

  • hideCalendarTitle


You can choose which optional query parameters to include or leave out based on your specific needs. Here’s an example of how to add all the parameters to your scheduling URL:{{morfOrgId}}&schedulingApplication={{schedulingApplication}}&appointmentTypeId={{appointmentTypeId}}&patientId={{responder_UUID}}&state={{state}}&insurance={{insurance}}&specialties={{specialties}}&internalTags={{internalTags}}&hideState&hideInsurance&hideSpecialties&hideCalendarTitle

Example of our test morf organization link:

Provider Profile

You can access a provider’s profile by clicking View Profile next to the specific provider in the provider list on the Providers view.

Scheduling Appointment

Currently, when the patient selects a desired time slot and clicks Confirm, the time slot details are returned as follows:

  • Formsort: The time_slot answer is set.
  • Iframe - Web: The time slot message is sent to the parent window.
  • Iframe - React Native: The time slot message is sent to the ReactNativeWebView.

If you’re using Formsort, you can utilize an API variable to call the Schedule Appointment endpoint, as all the necessary data is now included in the response. More in the corresponding section