This is a POST request to the following API endpoint:

Request Body

The request body must contain the following parameters:

  • morfOrgId: (string) The organization ID.
  • appointmentTypeId: (string) The appointment type ID.
  • datetime: (string) The scheduled date and time of the appointment (in ISO 8601 format).
  • timezone: (string) The timezone in IANA format (e.g., “America/New_York”).
  • providerId: (string) The provider’s ID.
  • schedulingApplication: (string) The application used for scheduling, HEALTHIE or ACUITY.
  • firstName: (string) The patient’s first name.
  • lastName: (string) The patient’s last name.
  • phoneNumber: (string) The patient’s phone number.
  • emailAddress: (string) The patient’s email address.
  • patientId: (string) The patient’s ID.
  • sendWelcomeEmail: (optional, boolean) Whether to send a welcome email. Default is false.
  • uniqueByEmail: (optional, boolean) Whether the appointment is unique by email. Default is true.
  • contactType: (optional, string) The type of contact. Options: Healthie Video Chat, Secure Videochat, In Person, or Phone Call. Default is Video Call.

Sample Request

Here’s an example of what the request body could look like:

  "appointmentTypeId": "172084",
  "datetime": "2025-03-24T13:00:00.000Z",
  "emailAddress": "",
  "firstName": "Test",
  "lastName": "Morf",
  "morfOrgId": "16a53f42-687c-4eb1-bd8b-27126485a7b7",
  "patientId": "a1ac3167-24d9-4d64-958f-474fafade5b7",
  "phoneNumber": "1234567890",
  "providerId": "224404",
  "schedulingApplication": "HEALTHIE",
  "timezone": "America/New_York"


When the booking is successful, the response will be:

    "datetime": "2025-03-24T13:00:00.000Z",
    "id": "122570627",
    "providerId":  "224404",
    "providerName": "Doctor Spock",
    "thirdPartyUserId": "2326636"

When the booking is not successful, the response could be one of the following:

    "status": "ALREADY_EXISTS",
    "message": "time slot taken",
    "requestId": "04900002-1d8d-474b-9702-db6a527b33d4"
    "status": "NOT_FOUND",
    "message": "No existing Morf profile found",
    "requestId": "720bb028-eaf3-4871-8483-9073703276c3"
    "status": "ALREADY_EXISTS",
    "message": "<invalid email or account with email already exists> Unique by email is true but we found an existing Healthie user for email, Healthie Patient ID: 2326636",
    "requestId": "6bbaedd6-e91f-4f39-a425-3cc05a321b7f"